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Design setup for Email Campaigns and Newsletters
Maintain Contacts for email campaigns / clean up contact list
Email Marketing helps you drive sales by keeping your audience engaged and building relationships (Drip campaigns - Welcome Aboard, Thank you, Birthday and Anniversary, and resending emails to non-openers) Email is the easiest and most effective way to let your customers know you value them.

Setup on any of the social platforms
Posts on all platforms
Boost Posts if needed to reach your full audience
Professional designs on your social platforms, to highlight upcoming events or specials or points of interest

Custom designed website

Mass text message your contacts

Create Google or Facebook Ads

Create custom designs for:
Company logos
Business cards
Double sided flyers
Design brochures
Social graphic design posts
Video posts
Slideshow video posts
Animated social media

Let's talk about all of your design needs and discuss a marketing plan that will work for you, your business, and your target market.

Let's talk

Together we can find a plan that works for you and your business.
